H.S. Arun is coming for the second time in Croatia and we are happy to welcome him in out little Pula town.

This time Arunji will take us on the path of refinement of our perception to be able to recognize and develop our feeling/experience (BHAVANA) in Salamba Sarvangasana and to keep that feeling in other asanas as well. 

Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) is considered mother of all asanas asn Geeta Iyengar gives as example of mother that is endeavoring all her life so that her children could be happy, in that sense ‘mother of all asanas’ strive towards peace and health of the whole body. Geeta adds that it’s not exaggeration when this pose is called ‘Trailokya Cintamani’ – rare jewel in all three worlds. S. Sarvangasana calms nervous system and for that reason it’s good to practice it when person in tense, disturbed, irritated, exhausted or if the person had breakdown or is suffering from insomnia. 

Instability begins when we get emotionally attached to those aspects which we are not and attached to those which are not ours. Patanjali says, it is the emotional instability. It takes a long time for emotions to get matured with the practice yoga. For this kind of emotions the word bhavana is used and he uses that word four times in Yoga Sutras.
In first chapter in regard to the topic of Ishvara and Japa, where he explains that recitation, chanting of mantra OM has to be repeated constantly with feeling, realizing its full significance. It is not merely the verbal repetition of the syllable ‘aum’ – it has to reach the heart, penetrate into the heart.
In second chapter with reference to kriya yoga he explains that practice of yoga reduces affliction and makes one to conceive the idea of samadhi, and that samadhi can only be reached when mature emotional intelligence is acquired and conceived.
Later, while discussing yamas and niyamas, Patanjali explains that for person to be able to develop knowledge about discrimination what is proper action and what not, one needs intelligence of the brain and wisdom of the heart,
And in the four chapter, he indicates what is false emotional attachment and how to remove this kind of attachment and develop pure emotional attachment.
In these four times the words used are arthabhavanam, pratipaksabhavanam, samadhibhavanam, atmabhavabhavanam, and their importance is that they are expressing process to go for emotional stability, using dynamic efforts and intellectual maturity.  

In last 35 years, H.S.Arun practices and teaches art and science of yoga. While he was teaching in center in Bengalore, in 1978., he met guru BKS Iyengar and become his disciple. Also with Geeta and Prashant he sharpened his practice and with the time developed his own style of sharing this knowledge, that he gained through his teacher and through his  extensive practice. 

Workshop will be in english. 

Friday – 18:00-21:00
Saturday- 10:00-13:00 / 15:00-18:00
Sunday – 09:00-12:00 / 14:00-17:00

Whole workshop  150 € (1125kn)
‘Early bird’ till 15.09.2017 – 120 € (900kn)
1 whole day 70 € (500kn)
All registrations are valid only after payment has been made.

Cancellation policy:
In the case you have to cancel your attendance and you do that till 28.09., whole amount will be returned to you.
In case of cancelation till 10.10., 50% from the amount payed will be returned and after 10.10., no refunds are made.

For registration and all information please write to us.