Author: Nataša Sršen

Free Online Class – Preventive back care

Free Online Class – Preventive back care

This month we offer you a FREE CLASS with the topic – ‘ Preventive back care’ .  First and foremost, I would like to express  that yoga itself has a therapeutic effect. If you do yoga properly, you will have benefits.  During this hour, we 

Month in Pune, India 2019

Month in Pune, India 2019

18.12.2019. I’m sick with some kind of flue. There is a virus going around, people sneezing, coughing, noses running… Also my eyes are red and running, feel like body is burning. However being here in Pune for only one month, staying in bed feels like 

Posjeta iz Novog Zelanda

Posjeta iz Novog Zelanda

Ovaj vikend sam imala posjetu iz Novog Zelanda.  Kolegica, Iyengar joga učiteljica koja je provodila tjedan dana u Hrvatskoj, našla me na internetu i odlučila doći u Pulu da me posjeti. Na moju veliku radost. Sylvia Goff sa svojih 77 godina, malene i sitne građe, 

iyengar yoga workshop with uday bhosale

iyengar yoga workshop with uday bhosale

With great happiness, enthusiasm and gratefulness we are welcoming a first-time-coming guest teacher Uday Bhosale in Pula. In past, Uday was Taekwando enthusiasts and from the time his teacher introduced him to Iyengar yoga he began learning directly from Guruji BKS Iyengar, Geeta and Prashant 

Summer Iyengar Yoga Workshop

Summer Iyengar Yoga Workshop

This is the forth year that Lara Speroni is coming to Pula and we are delighted to host her. This will be 3-day workshop on building the body‘s intelligence and awareness from the ground upwards. A wide range of poses will be practiced without ever 

Iyengar yoga workshop with Elizabeth Smullens-Brass

Iyengar yoga workshop with Elizabeth Smullens-Brass

We are happy to invite you to join us for Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Elizabeth Smullens-Brass, who was born in America and lives and teaches Iyengar Yoga in Berlin.Elizabeth has been practicing Yoga for more than thirty years and has a Senior Intermediate Level 2